Milk does a body good!

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Probably, but I haven't touched the stuff in years. It's all either oat or almond milk for me these days! Thanks for reading and making a comment. Cow's milk does help to make large breasts however. Just not a look I am after.

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Ha ha!

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Thanks for sparking memories! I’m old enough to remember the ice man too. We forget how physically tough so many had to be to make a living: that little guy with the Popeyes arms would TROT upstairs with a block that likely weighed fifty pounds!

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Yeah, I missed out on the ice man. But that would be a splendid memory to have. I can't imagine the memories being created today in comparison to the ones we oldsters have. Plus our music. No comparison. We were lucky.

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Yeah, but our parents were saying the same thing. I (try to) resist Hemingway at his worst: ‘Ling time ago good, now no good.’ But yeah, I kinda agree.

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Thank you Daisy

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